I have often read comments claiming that height requirements and arm reach requirements for flight attendants are discriminatory. Some people even believe these requirements exist
Tag: flight attendants
What Cabin Crew Members Do During Medical Emergencies
Cabin crew members are highly trained to handle medical emergencies on board the aircraft, aside from being able to evacuate passengers in less than 90
Ten Mind-blowing Air Travel Facts You Should Know
As air travel demand continues to grow, it is important to share some fascinating facts about it. Some may think that flying is similar to
Intriguing Reasons Why Flight Attendants Sit on their Hands
You noticed some flight attendants sit on their hands during takeoff and landing. Although this isn’t universal across all airlines—some simply instruct flight attendants to
Becoming a Cabin Crew Popular Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions about becoming cabin crew, and these misunderstandings can deter individuals from pursuing their dreams of becoming a flight attendant. It is
Airlines Only Hire an Economical Number of Cabin Crew Needed
I have often mentioned in my previous articles that airlines do not hire as many cabin crew members based on the number of all who
Advice to Help You Pass Your Cabin Crew Interview
More and more of you aspiring cabin crew members are determined to turn your dream into a reality. I have been reading many of your
Ten Ways to Make a Flight Attendant Happy
When you board the plane, you are greeted by your flight attendants. And for sure, some, or okay, many of you do find them attractive.
Japan Airlines is Hiring Flight Attendants from the Philippines
I once mentioned that the demand for air travel continues to rise, and as such, airlines are increasing their capacity, requiring them to hire more
Are the Recruitment Standards for Flight Attendants Too High?
It’s 2025, and more airlines are recruiting new flight attendants. This is due to the increase in air travel demand, leading airlines to expand capacity,