Turboprop airliners are particularly useful for interisland travel in an archipelago like the Philippines. Although jet-powered commercial aircraft came to dominate Philippine skies after the
Tag: information
Differences between the Boeing 777-9X and the 777-300ER
The Boeing 777 is a revolutionary plane. It not only revolutionized aviation efficiency but also paved the way for twin-engine, ultra-long-range aircraft. In the past,
Things I am looking forward to in the local airline industry this 2023
I still have high hopes for the Philippine airline industry despite the latest radar mishap. While 2022 was a year of restoration, 2023 should be more profit-oriented,
Is it your New Year resolution to become a cabin crew this 2023?
The year 2023 has officially begun. Many of our aspiring flight attendants have already predicted that 2023 will be their year to finally get their wings. For
Some must-have items in the bags of Pinoy flight attendants
The luggage of Filipino or Pinoy flight attendants will often include more than just the essentials (clothes, emergency supplies, spare uniforms, hygiene kit, and toiletries).
El Al planes are equipped with a missile defense system
El Al, an Israeli airline, is the only one whose planes have a missile defense system. This implies each El Al plane, Boeing 787s, 777s, and
The different lights you see in an airplane and their purposes
It’s natural to ask why aircraft need so many lights. Each light has a specific function, most of which is safety-related. They have a dual
Our flight crew flying to unite families this Christmas
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to the flight crew (pilots and flight attendants), ground staff, and everyone else in the aviation
Reminders to all traveling by air this Holiday Season
It’s that time of year again when we celebrate Christmas and New Year’s! For the first time in years, we will be celebrating these reunions
A flight attendant’s uniform gets heavier with every flying story
A typical airline passenger will see a flight attendant welcome them, check their seatbelts, window shades are up, tray tables are stowed, seats are upright,