Ten interesting facts about flight attendants

Ten interesting facts about flight attendants

Safety demonstrations, seatbelt reminders, and serving food or snacks are just a tenth of what you may know about flight attendants. There are still many facts about your cabin crew’s lives and jobs that they may not be telling you. Here are ten facts about flight attendants that might surprise you.

Did you know that if every cabin crew member had followed the same study habits they did during cabin crew training, they could have been college scholars or valedictorians at their respective schools?

With a passing grade of at least 90%, they had two months to study and memorize reading materials more than twice as thick as the A volume of an encyclopedia. Furthermore, they are only permitted to fail a maximum of three exams during their training. They are tested almost every day.

Did you know that as part of their training, cabin crew members must jump into a 10ft deep swimming pool?

This is to simulate a water landing, in which cabin crew members must learn to float in deep water and assist passengers in climbing a life raft. Several flight attendant trainees have nearly drowned during this drill because they were required to jump into a deep pool without a life-vest and stay afloat.

Did you know that the majority of airlines, including five-star carriers, do not require flight attendants to stow passenger carry-on luggage in overhead bins?

Instead, they are permitted to assist if necessary. Passengers with disabilities, pregnant women, and senior citizens may request help from the cabin crew to stow their luggage more quickly. Lending assistance can refer to one of two things. First, the cabin crew instructs the passenger on how to properly stow it to maximize space. Second, both the cabin crew and the passenger will lift the luggage, with the passenger taking responsibility. However, if a passenger has physical limitations, airlines advise them to simply check-in their luggage. Lifting luggage repeatedly has been identified as a health risk for all cabin crew, resulting in long-term back injuries. It will be too expensive for the airline, causing delays as they must offload the injured crew and bring in a field reserve. Furthermore, flight attendants must be in peak physical condition at all times in case of an emergency. This is a true fact about flight attendants.

flight attendants
Photo: Gary Sato
Did you know that some airlines train flight attendants to read your body language as you board the plane?

These cabin crew members do not simply greet you; they are already observing your body language to determine whether you are a security or safety risk. Some are also determining whether you are the type who would require special assistance from the crew or if you have a medical condition. If they suspect you will be a bothersome passenger, a male cabin crew member is usually assigned to your section. Should they suspect something is wrong, they take note of your seat number and immediately notify the lead crew. If you are seated near an emergency exit door and they notice that you are unable to open it, they will reseat you in exchange for a passenger who can. Above all, safety and security.

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Did you know that flight attendants in the back of the plane are also responsible for listening for any unusual sounds during takeoff?

They keep an ear out for tail strikes. A tail strike occurs when the aircraft’s rear section collides with the runway during rotation as it takes off. Despite the fact that aircraft systems can detect tail strikes, pilots still instruct their cabin crew to listen for any unusual sounds or noises. When the rear flight attendants hear what they believe to be a tail strike, they notify the lead cabin crew or purser. The purser then reports this to the captain, who decides whether to continue with the flight or to turn around and return to the airport to inspect for damage.

Did you know that flight attendants who greet you with their hands behind their backs are holding a clicker?

This is because they are counting each passenger who boards, and this should correspond to the manifest. Aside from that, once the doors are closed, they will conduct a second count to ensure the numbers are correct.

Did you know that two out of every five cabin crew graduates cry with joy during their wing-pinning ceremonies?

Because of the hardships and challenges they face, even if training is only a month to three months long, cabin crew training feels like one entire college term packed into three months. Cabin crew trainees are constantly subjected to sleepless nights, physical, mental, and emotional stress. Passing the application process is difficult enough; training is another.

flight attendants
Photo: Gary Sato
Did you know that almost all airlines use their flight attendants as brand ambassadors and models?

Did you also notice that during special airline occasions and milestone events, flight attendants in uniform are always present? This is because, in addition to being safety professionals, flight attendants also represent the airline’s overall branding. They are like walking advertisements for the airline, with everything from their smile to their physical appearance to their uniforms to the way they speak and even the way they conduct themselves embodying everything the airline stands for. This is why airlines rarely hire celebrities as endorsers, because their own cabin crew can fulfill the role of airline brand ambassador.

See also  United Airlines Set to Hire 2,300 Pilots and 4,000 Flight Attendants
Did you know the iconic flight attendant hat or cap was inspired by a nurse’s cap?

Ellen Church, a young registered nurse, wanted to fly in the 1930s, and the only way to do so was to become a pilot. She then became a pilot, but the Boeing Transport Company refused to hire female pilots because they believed flying was only for men. Ellen was disappointed, but it did not deter her from pursuing her dream of flying. She then approached Steve Simpson, a Boeing Transport executive at the time, and suggested that nurses can be very effective in making passengers feel more secure and comfortable. Simpson liked Church’s idea because he remembers flying being uncomfortable and dangerous for passengers back then, and onboard nurses were the solution. Ellen Church recruited 7 more nurses, and the original 8 took to the skies in their new uniforms, which were based on a nurse’s uniform including the cap. One of the flight attendant and nurse facts.

Did you know that regardless of the airline, flight attendants are very united?

Flight Attendants are encouraging to one another and are concerned about the well-being of the other cabin crews. They are all aware of what it takes to be a flight attendant, as well as the challenges and risks they face on a daily basis. They will go to any length to preserve each other’s dignity. As a result, if you mess with one, you mess with all. One of the most interesting facts about flight attendants.

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