Habits you may develop when you are an airline cabin crew

Habits you may develop when you are an airline cabin crew

Airlines have high expectations of their cabin crew. These range from understanding all safety procedures to ensuring that every passenger has a pleasant and memorable flight. As a result, these flight attendants develop important habits over the course of their careers. Here are some important habits to develop as an airline cabin crew. You should have them as well!

So, as aspirants, what are these crucial habits to cultivate in order to become a successful flight attendant later on? Habit formation is critical because you have a lot of requirements and standards to meet. So, for the benefit of those who want to be flight attendants in the future, here are the habits you should form as soon as possible in order to survive as a cabin crew.

Reading is very important

  • Reading from the top to the bottom. In less than three months from the time you begin training, you will be reading and memorizing every detail on your 500-page CCOM. You cannot afford to overlook a single line in your manual because they are all critical. Even after initial training, you will still have to read a lot, and every line must be read.
  • Before asking questions, read everything. Every piece of reading material you will come across is detailed, from your CCOMs to the papers you will receive to the recurring training materials you will be given. Sometimes the answers to the questions you’re asking can be found in your reading materials. Remember that you will be taking exams every day during training, so read and understand everything.
  • Develop the habit of reading on a regular basis. When you first start flying, I strongly advise you to read and refer to your CCOMs. You never know if a purser will safety Q&A you, and if you don’t answer right, you could be offloaded for that flight in exchange for another.
  • Understand what you’re reading, not just memorize it. This is also an important habit to develop. During the pre-flight briefing, your purser or lead crew may conduct a Q&A to ensure that everyone is on the same page. They may even ask questions that are not directly answered in your manuals but can be answered if you understood what you were reading.
cabin crew
Photo: Gary Sato

Other habits you might want to develop as early as now

  • Learn to smile and greet everyone. This includes the mall security guard, the saleslady, the waiters who serve you, the tollbooth lady, and even your assistant! Get into the habit of smiling and greeting everyone, even if you don’t know them.
  • Keep track of the time at all times. Better yet, develop the habit of always arriving early. Traffic is not an excuse because we are all aware of the situation, so learn to always allow enough time and not procrastinate. When it comes to crew reporting times, airlines are extremely strict. Pursers are also strict about this because they have a timetable to follow, which includes the crew briefing.
  • Make it a habit to stay organized at all times. When you work as an airline cabin crew, you must be extremely organized in order to maximize your time for other tasks. This includes packing your belongings without leaving out the most important items, such as flashlights, IDs, and other daily necessities.
  • Maintaining the cleanliness of your workplace and surrounding area. Other crew members are also working in the galley doing other things, so as you work, make sure that the area you worked on is clean.
  • Learn to offer more assistance after you have completed your task. Remember that as a flight attendant, you are part of a team. So, once you’ve completed your assigned task, try to assist your coworkers in assisting passengers. Or perhaps you can assist a specific crew in need of assistance in order to effectively speed up the services.
  • Take note of how you appear. Maintain a presentable appearance at all times. Make sure your clothes are ironed well, your hair is fixed, and you are wearing airline makeup. And no, this does not imply that you must be attractive or attractive. You simply must appear as presentable and neat as possible in accordance with your airline’s standards.
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Cabin crew were forced to develop these habits because their respective airlines required them to do so. There are no ifs or buts. The good news is that you can develop these habits. You can use this time to integrate these habits into your life. It may appear difficult at first, but consistency is always essential.

For more content on aviation, aircraft, and flight attendants, you may check my Facebook page and Instagram. You may also see more videos on my YouTube and Tiktok channels.

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