There is this certain notion which I have heard too that small planes, maybe referring to turboprops, and even smaller private jets, don’t fly as
Category: Aircraft
Airlines that Operate the Boeing 737 MAX 9
The Boeing 737 MAX series has come under fire again, but this time, it is limited to one variant, the Boeing 737 MAX 9. This
The First Plane to Fly Transatlantic Nonstop
Aviation is indeed full of interesting historical stories: the first flight ever, the first jet aircraft, the first Pacific crossing, and so much more. One
Why Planes Don’t Just Carry an Extra Engine Under the Wing
You may have come across images of Boeing 747s and Lockheed L1011 Tristars sporting an extra engine beneath one of their wings. For instance, a
Those Lines Above Aircraft Doors are Rain Gutters
When you board an aircraft, you might notice a diagonal or straight line just above the door. Have you ever wondered what these are? They’re
Why Aircraft Tires Deflate After High Energy Rejected Take-Off
I am certain that you’ve come across news reports featuring deflated airplane tires following a rejected take-off or an emergency landing soon after take-off. Some
How the Boeing 737 MAX’s Split Winglets Work
The fin-like structures on the wingtips of a plane, known as winglets, are not just for aesthetic purposes; they serve a specific function to make
High Bypass Turbofan Engines are Not Meant for Small Planes
You may have observed that jet engines on commercial aircraft are getting larger. This is due to their use of high bypass turbofan engines. To
The A-10 Thunderbolt II “Warthog” is a Plane Built Around a Gun
“Brrrrt brrrrt” is often the first sound that comes to mind when thinking about the Fairchild A-10 Thunderbolt. This distinctive sound emanates from its deadly
The Lone Boeing 747-400M Combi of Philippine Airlines
Ahhh, the queen of the skies. To me, it’s the most beautiful and sexiest passenger aircraft ever built, truly deserving of the title ‘queen.’ I