Five untold but important basic rights of flight attendants

Five untold but important basic rights of flight attendants

Flight attendants have basic rights as well in order to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively. As a result, I’d like to share with you five unspoken but vital basic rights of flight attendants.

These basic rights of the cabin crew were established so that they could carry out their duties without interference while ensuring the security and safety of all passengers. The safety and security of everyone on board, including the crew, has always been the top priority of airlines. Flight attendants, also known as airline cabin crew, have five basic rights under various treaties and conventions.

These 5 basic rights are for safety matters and are primarily there for the overall safety of everyone on board an aircraft.

  1. The right to arrest on board. This includes rowdy passengers who endanger the safety and security of other passengers and the crew. The flight attendant is first and foremost a safety professional.  To exercise this right, the flight attendant simply reports the incident to the captain, who must approve it before the right can be exercised.
  2. The right to close or reposition your seat materiel (window blinds, tray tables, seats, hand luggage, and so on), including strapping yourself into your seat. Again, this is for the safety of everyone, including you. Most air crashes happen during take-off and landing and it is during these critical moments were every single safety instruction should be strictly followed. This right is rarely used unless the passenger is too stubborn to follow the safety instructions. If the passenger then assaults the cabin crew, the former can face criminal charges and an arrest.
  3. The cabin crew have the right to refuse to lift your hand luggage into the overhead compartment. If they see you as an able passenger with no physical limitations and you ask them to stow your own luggage onto the overhead stowage bin, do not be surprised if they refuse because it is not a cabin crew’s obligation to stow passenger hand carries, especially if they refuse in a very professional manner and in accordance with airline policies. They may, however, offer assistance if the passenger is disabled, pregnant, elderly, or unable to reach the overhead compartments. 
  4. The right of self-defence. Many airline training now includes basic self-defense. Cabin crew are also the first line of defense against anyone attempting to take control of the cockpit, such as hijackers. They can also use this right to defend themselves if an unruly passenger attacks them first.
  5. The right to privacy. They are not required to provide any personal information. It’s also a safety and anti-hijacking precaution. If they catch you taking a stolen picture or video of them, they may file data privacy charges against you. This happened already aboard a local airline where a flight attendant pressed data privacy charges against a passenger. The passenger was apparently filming a flight attendant without her permission. The passenger then posted the video on social media accusing the cabin crew for something proven false. Airlines now prohibit the unauthorized use of stolen videos and photographs of airline personnel and employees.
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flight attendants

Republic Act 9497 Chapter XI Sec. 81 clause 9

In the Philippines, cabin crew members are protected by Republic Act 9497 Chapter XI Sec. 81 clause 9 which hereby states that Any person who, while on board an aircraft, interferes with a crewmember’s or flight attendant’s performance of their duties, assaults, intimidates, or threatens any crewmember or flight attendant, shall be subjected to imprisonment from one (1) year to three (3) years or a fine of not less than Fifty thousand pesos (Php50,000.00) but not exceeding Five hundred thousand pesos (Php500,000.00), or both, as determined by the court.

Top photo credits: Gary Sato

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