You might be wondering if becoming a flight attendant is really for you. There are indeed essential traits needed to become a successful flight attendant. Some can be learned through time, and some are already part of your nature. Whereas many cabin crew aspirants are focused dead-center on their goal to be a cabin crew, some are still confused about whether it is for them.
Still on a toss-up between going for a cabin crew career or another one? If you are still confused about what to choose, you might want to consider being a flight attendant if you have the following traits. Let me remind you that being a cabin crew is not for anyone.
However, having these 12 traits does not ensure that you will be accepted at the airline; they still have their standards in selecting their preferred candidate to be their cabin crew. On the other hand, not having these 12 traits also does not mean you cannot be a flight attendant at all. You may learn or adapt these 12 traits later in your career as a flight attendant.
If you have these 12 traits, you might want to consider becoming a cabin crew in the future
- You’re an extrovert – You are a social person. You love being the life of the party. Extroverts have the potential to make a strong impact on passengers just by their demeanor. You are friendly, and you can talk to almost everyone. You make an impact in a positive way.
- You have a friendly disposition – You are known to be the “kaibigan ng bayan.” You are friendly to everyone. Airlines would see you as an asset. Remember that not all passengers may not be traveling for a vacation. Some may be flying back to their place of work, separated from their families. Or some may be traveling back for a wake of a loved one. Even if these passengers are feeling down, a cabin crew with a friendly disposition will help unburden the passenger during that “longest flight”.
- You look forward to something different every day. Your task in the aircraft may seem routinely, but it is not. You deal with different passengers every day. You fly with different people every day. You see different places; you fly to different countries. You experience different cultures every day. You meet different people. If you are such type that can’t stick to a typical desk job, then being a cabin crew must be for you.
- You are hungry for adventure – Flying to different countries and trying out different activities are things every flight attendant looks forward to. They go bungee jumping in Macau, Sky Diving in Dubai, stroll Beverly Hills sometimes alone, or party in London clubs like Fabric. Every day is a different adventure for cabin crew members; If this might catch your interest, you may also consider being a flight attendant.
- Multitasking is a normal routine for you – Cabin crew members are good at multitasking. They can do different things at the same time, especially when the call bell goes on almost all at the same time. They can ask each passenger what they would need at the same time and then get back to them with water, and extra tea, while demonstrating to another passenger how to use the aircraft IFE system. This also goes for multitasking in the galley in preparation for meal service.
- You can easily adapt to different working hours – Working different hours at different time zones may be difficult. Still, some people can easily adapt to different working times. That means regardless of where you are and how many hours of sleep you’ve only had, you can remain productive and at the top of your game.
- Your presence commands respect – You look dignified and deliver yourself with full confidence. Why is this trait important in being a cabin crew? Passengers have to listen and obey you, particularly during emergencies. You have to make them follow all safety instructions without sounding too bossy or commanding because all these are for their safety. This doesn’t mean that you have to look intimidating, but you have to look dignified and confident. Passengers should feel they are in good hands with your presence.
- You have strong self-control – Training to be a cabin crew could be the most challenging part as you will be memorizing thousands of terms and hundreds of manual pages in two months. Even if your friends ask you out to a club a party, you can easily say no to them. You do not succumb to the temptation of enjoying your “YOLO” life. Well, this is for training and even during your flying career. It is nice to drink with friends during offs, but if you know that you have a flight the following day, you should be able to control yourself from giving in. Remember that you work different hours everyday.
- You don’t have a nitpicky or perfectionist personality – You are okay to eat standing up? Do You not mind if you have a messy layover roommate? You don’t mind working with people of different personalities who speak different languages daily? Well, that’s crew life, and you must be fit for this.
- You have a high emotional intelligence – You can control your emotions. You can manage the emotions of others. You don’t allow your issues to meddle with your work. You use your mind over emotions when making decisions. If you can manage emotions, including regulating your own emotions and cheering up or calming down other people, then you would be able to make a good cabin crew.
- You have a competitive attitude – You see an end goal, so you don’t mind training to the bone. You are willing to undergo sleepless nights. You are cool with reading hundreds of pages of cabin crew manuals for two to three months. You take training like that of an athlete who trains before a competition. You see yourself as your very own competitor. This type tries to be better than before.
- You have an open mind – No, not really for “networking” offers, but more on having an open mind to new cultures, experiences, and personalities. You don’t mind tasting something you have never tried before. You do something you never did before. You love conquering your fear. You know that you are cool with it for as long as it does not kill you. You love getting out of your comfort zone. If you have an open mind, you can enjoy your layovers and the cabin crew life of traveling the world.

If you have all these 12 traits, though, and you are still unsure whether being a cabin crew is for you or not, maybe you might want to consider it. Having these 12 traits will be an advantage. Well, there are also physical requirements that go into the selection process.
If you believe that being a cabin crew is for you, regardless if you have all or just some of these 12 traits, take action and go for your dream. Keep trying and trying. Always remember, every flight attendant out there was once a dreamer.

First love never dies. I fell in love with airplanes and aviation when I was a kid. My dream was to become a pilot, but destiny led me to another path: to be an aviation digital media content creator and a small business owner. My passion for aviation inspires me to bring you quality content through my website and social accounts. Aviation is indeed in my blood and blog!