This is my very first entry, and I want it to be meaningful. Hence, I want to talk about why aspirants should never give-up on their dream to be a flight attendant. I want to inspire each and every aspirant to follow their hearts and to shun discouragement.
Indeed, the aviation industry is making a strong recovery this 2022. The past two years were really crazy, considering that we saw a lot of retrenchment happen. I was heartbroken reading all the goodbyes the last two years but now, this 2022, is a different story!
I am seeing a lot flight attendants regain their wings again! It was so nice to see those goodbyes in 2020 turn to “hello again” this year! Seeing them in their uniforms with their smiles once again was so priceless! You can clearly see how happy these flight attendants are.
Aviation is recovering, quick!
Who wouldn’t be excited to travel after two years of lockdowns? Oh my! We all were, and that is why all of a sudden, the industry saw a large boom in terms of passengers! It is evident with the local aviation industry! Air traffic and flight delays are back at NAIA! Looking at the bright side though, this just means capacity has to be increased. This will result to more manpower needed, such as flight attendants!
With the quick recovery of the aviation industry, our local airlines such as AirAsia, Cebu Pacific, and Philippine Airlines had to add more crew members. More retrenched and furloughed flight attendants were called to return back to flying! Many of them answered the call!
Once these people have been recalled and demand still continues to rise, it is most likely that airlines will hire new flight attendants! Yes, your opportunity awaits!

Do not allow failures to dampen your hopes
As you go out and grab every opportunity to turn your flight attendant dream into a reality, you are not immune to challenges that may come your way. These are like rejections, turn-downs, and discouragement. Now, should you encounter these, bear in mind that these are simply lessons for the next round. Lessons to make you better. There is no better lesson in life than experience.
What will make a failure permanent is if you give-up. However, for as long as you don’t give up, and you keep trying your best every round, you will win!
Some tips
Allow me to give you some tips should you face challenges towards your goal to become a flight attendant.
- Know your “why”. I guess this is the foundation of it all. Why do you want to become a cabin crew? It is your childhood dream? You love serving people? Whatever it is, you have to have that deep “why”. When you face challenges, just think about your “why”. From there, you will be able to draw strength to continue until you earn your wings.
- Shun off discouragement. We cannot discount the fact that there will be people who will attempt to discourage you from fulfilling your cabin crew dream. Always remember that it is your life, not theirs. You have the right to fulfill your OWN dream. Listen to people who will support you and help you like giving you advice and encouragement.
- If you on an attempt, change the “flight plan”, but not the “destination”. As we fly towards a destination on a fixed “flight plan”, we may encounter turbulent skies and other disturbances. It is okay to deviate a little bit, but keep going towards your destination. Your destination is to become a cabin crew. You may change your “plan” by being more confident, by having your teeth fixed, by practicing speaking in front of others, and all. Make changes and adjustments. Then continue and try again.
- Don’t allow negativity to get before you. I get questions like “I have a mole in my nose. Should I try and apply as a flight attendant?” “I have a scar. Will I be accepted?” My quick and simple answer is “go, there is no harm trying!” Don’t preempt, instead, take action. If you do not make it, then you know what to do next time.
- Always pray! God is your answer for strength. Pray and take action! If you fail, pray again for enlightenment. Have faith in God and in yourself.
Go get your wings
If you believe that you are meant to become a cabin crew, go for it and let those flight attendant dreams come true. Do not give-up “digging” no matter what as you’ll never know when you are just an inch away from gold! Your flight attendant dream is just a few steps from becoming a reality!

First love never dies. I fell in love with airplanes and aviation when I was a kid. My dream was to become a pilot, but destiny led me to another path: to be an aviation digital media content creator and a small business owner. My passion for aviation inspires me to bring you quality content through my website and social accounts. Aviation is indeed in my blood and blog!