Showcasing the talent of our flight attendants

Showcasing the talent of our flight attendants

We usually see uniformed flight attendants inside the aircraft, doing safety demos, greeting us, attending to our needs, and making sure our flights are comfortable. However, it indeed comes as a treat to see these flight attendants do something we don’t usually see on board, showing us their individual talent. Plus when some of them perform, they really put their hearts into it, just like their jobs.

For some reason, seeing them in their uniforms perform on stage is a beautiful thing to watch. I am happy that AirAsia Philippines does exactly this, they want more people to appreciate their cabin crew. Not only as people inside the aircraft cabin but as individuals who have got great talent. It is something for us to truly appreciate.

AirAsia flight attendants perform in front of a thousand attendees

flight attendants talent

AirAsia’s music festival held last June 17 at the SM Roxas City parking lot, gathered a crowd of more than a thousand. It featured Spongecola and other local talents. Taking center stage too was AirAsia’s A-team, a group of very talented and influential flight attendants. All decked in their uniforms, these flight attendants did not do any safety demos. Instead, they performed a total of 5 numbers, a mix of song numbers and dance.

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We are so used to seeing these flight attendants inside the aircraft in uniforms doing their job. Hence, seeing them sing to songs like Paubaya, Tala, Single Ladies, and 2 other songs really did get the crowd.

flight attendants talent

Seeing social media videos of singing and dancing flight attendants are something nice to share by itself. what more when you watch them perform on stage!

So what’s so unusual with talented flight attendants?

There is indeed nothing unusual as talent and music are universal. However, seeing these flight attendants showcase their talent gets us to appreciate them more as individuals. We get to see their “other side”, beyond the safety demos and their welcoming smiles. Their well-roundedness in different facets of life, including the arts.

These talented flight attendants do not just perform for the heck of performing. They put their hearts into every performance. This by itself is what makes me appreciate them more.

Below are videos of the performance of the AirAsia cabin crew. Listen to how well they do sing and dance.



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