The benefits and drawbacks of working as a flight attendant

The benefits and drawbacks of working as a flight attendant

Being a flight attendant has advantages and disadvantages like any other job or career. Everything must be balanced to make a decision. I now give you the benefits and drawbacks of being a flight attendant.

Based on photos of cabin crew members at work and during layovers, it appears to be the ideal job. Earn money to travel, see the world, and get free flights. There are some drawbacks to working as a cabin crew behind all of this. As a result, we must comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of working as a flight attendants.

The Benefits of Working as a Flight Attendant

  • Crew and immediate family members travel for free. Most, if not all, airlines provide this as a standard perk. As a result, during offs or leaves, many cabin crew members take advantage of this by taking their families or loved ones on a vacation far away from home.
  • Make your layover into a vacation or an opportunity to visit relatives in that country. Every Filipino has a relative abroad, as the saying goes, so Filipino cabin crew members take advantage of this opportunity to visit them more frequently. Take into account the free hotel stays in other countries, the buffet, and the free tours. Yes, your layover can be turned into a vacation!
  • different landscapes, countries, and locations every day! Getting up in Singapore, lunch in Bangkok, breakfast the next day in London, and so on.
  • Crew members get discounts! Some airlines provide this.
  • I get to work with new people every day. Unlike in a typical office, one works with a specific team or department. For cabin crew members, every day is a new day, which adds to the excitement of flying.
  • Meeting new people from all over the world Cabin crew can make friends with passengers and strangers from all over the world, especially after flights. A British Airways flight attendant once paid a visit to the home of a passenger on a flight to India.
  • ability to improve social and interpersonal skills. Dealing with 100 to 300 passengers per flight with varying personalities allows cabin crew members to hone their social skills, such as reading body language, conversing with people with diverse interests, and so on. This enables you to be more flexible and anticipate what people need. Cabin crew members can easily interact with people from different situations and cultures at any time, whether they are at work or not.
  • They gain a broader understanding of the world. Because of their exposure to different cultures, cuisines, and trends, cabin crew members have a foresight advantage of what is to come in the future and where we are heading. “To predict a nation’s future, one must open its history books,” Dr. Jose Rizal once said.
  • Working with various schedules There is no set time, and your schedule is constantly shifting.
benefits flight attendant
Photo: Gary Sato

The disadvantages of working as a flight attendant

  • Weekend and holiday work is required. Some people are fortunate enough to spend Christmas and New Year’s at home, but they must always be prepared to work on holidays.
  • The circadian rhythm is disrupted. also known as the biological clock. Working in multiple time zones on a daily basis will have a significant impact on your body clock. Consider leaving your home country in the morning and arriving 17 hours later in a different country where it is also early morning or midday and your body clock wants you to sleep. Yes, this is what international flight attendants face on a daily basis. So, if they want to sleep, please allow them to do so.
  • Putting on weight Many cabin crew members gain weight after a few months of flying due to aircraft food, the excitement of trying different cuisines from around the world, and tiredness-induced cravings.
  • Burnout and stress: you will eventually want to go back to your “normal” life, especially after encountering rude and discriminatory passengers. Because of this, flight attendants must have a high EQ.
  • Relationships and romantic relationships: This is why being in a relationship with or having a spouse from the airline industry is said to be advantageous because they fully understand what a flight attendant goes through. If your significant other is not in the aviation industry, he or she must be patient.
See also  Your attitude will play a huge role in becoming a cabin crew

So there you have it: both the benefits and drawbacks of working as a flight attendant! If the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, remember when you first wanted to be a cabin crew and went through the rigorous training.

Flying may or may not be a long-term career for you, but make the most of every moment. It is always best to know and understand the pros and cons of being a flight attendant before making a decision.

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