Vote for the Best Flight Attendant Uniforms of 2025

Vote for the Best Flight Attendant Uniforms of 2025

In 2024, Philippine Airlines and Emirates took the top spots as the readers’ choice for the best flight attendant uniforms. This year, we once again vote for the best flight attendant uniforms of 2025! And as usual, the winners are now in your hands, allowing you to choose which you think are the best flight attendant uniforms of the year.

I have narrowed down the choices to 52 cabin crew uniforms. Below are pictures of the flight attendant uniforms for your reference, and you may vote at the bottom.

Simply choose your top three flight attendant uniforms from the options in the poll box. They are arranged in no particular order, so please read each airline choice carefully. You may only vote once. This poll is open until March 12, 2025, so cast your vote below.

See also  Rising Above Rejections to Conquer the Flight Attendant Dream
Best Flight Attendant Uniform 2025 Poll

Choose your top 3 best flight attendant uniforms of 2025.

Min votes count should be 1

Just a sidenote: The winners and rankings do not reflect my personal choices but the choices of the readers. In fact, some of my personal choices did not make it to the top.

In 2024, people from a certain Middle Eastern airline said the results were biased. I don’t know why they said that—maybe because they did not make the top choice while their rival did? I don’t know.

Once again, the top choices will be based on the votes of the readers, not my personal choices. I am in no position to question their choices for the best flight attendant uniforms of 2025. If those are their choices, then so be it.

How does this make you feel?


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