What was once a cabin crew dream has turned into a reality

What was once a cabin crew dream has turned into a reality

Every single flight attendant I have ever met has a similar tale to tell. Every one of them has a unique tale of how their lifelong dream of becoming a cabin crew member was realized. It’s a brand new year, 2023, with fresh opportunities to realize your dreams.

While some people just needed one try to fulfill their dream of becoming cabin crew, others had to try multiple times. The primary goal, however, must be to work as a flight attendant. Every time we try and fail, we might think we should just give up since it’s impossible. But alas, we might be inching closer to that flight attendant reality than we thought.

Yes, giving up will make these setbacks permanent, but as long as you keep fighting, they will only be temporary.

Learn from your mistakes.

The number of airlines hiring new flight attendants is expected to increase in 2023. Soon, you will be able to live out your childhood dream of becoming a flight attendant. I hope you’ll take advantage of any and all opportunities to apply for jobs. Although it is recommended that one be well-prepared before making any endeavor, one should nonetheless make the effort.

cabin crew
Photo: Gary Sato

Do what you can to improve your chances of success next time. You will learn from and be guided by your mistakes. Some airlines won’t tell you where you went wrong, but I believe you might question yourself:

  • Did I lack confidence or was I too over confident that I sounded intimidating?
  • Do I need to brush up my communication skills?
  • Do I need to lose more weight?
  • Did I fix myself up well in terms of my grooming?
  • Did I miss out on some of the qualifications and requirements?
  • Did I lack enough impact?
See also  Are you excited to become a flight attendant?

There are certain pertinent questions to ask after every unsuccessful attempt. Then, learn from your mistakes and do even better the following time.

I have highlighted several people who have tried more than 15 times to become cabin crew, and they all share a common trait: perseverance.

Never, ever, ever point the finger of blame at anyone else.

I can’t stand it when people put the responsibility for their own mistakes on someone else. Losers who would prefer not take responsibility for their actions are the ones who make excuses like “airline standards are too high” or “they have contacts inside.”

Whether or not we succeed in realizing our cabin crew ambitions is entirely up to us and our motivation to do so.

If the requirements were truly unattainable, then we wouldn’t have any flight attendants at all. So get out there and start applying for flight attendant jobs. Each and every one of the people working as flight attendants now previously said, “I will soon become cabin crew.”

How does this make you feel?


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