When your flight attendant dream finally comes true

When your flight attendant dream finally comes true

Imagine finally standing on stage, wearing your cabin crew uniform with pride! Yes, you are now a flight attendant, a long-held dream coming true right in front of you. This is usually the scene when I attend cabin crew graduations, such as the AirAsia Philippines batch 39 graduation.

It all starts with a dream of becoming a flight attendant, but it does not end there. Declaring that you want to be a cabin crew member one day is not enough. You must take decisive action. We cannot wait for others to feed us everything; we must act on our own.

flight attendant

Turning your flight attendant goal into a reality

All of the AirAsia cabin crew batch 39 graduates were overwhelmed, especially when they were about to receive their wings. Before becoming an AirAsia cabin crew member, one of the graduates had nine attempts. So, just imagine, she didn’t give up and is now a flight attendant. At the age of 31, this cabin crew member also received her wings. In other words, she has made certain that her dream will become a reality.

To make your flight attendant dream a reality, you must take decisive action. Begin by making small changes, such as learning to improve your communication skills, losing weight, achieving clear skin, and increasing your self-confidence. You must also learn the important cabin crew traits of selflessness, dedication, confidence, and an eagerness to learn new things.

flight attendant

Do not allow others to discourage you

There will always be people who try to discourage you from reaching your goals. They are the types who will find every flaw in you and tell you that you have no chance. You have complete control over your life and decisions. You have the option of listening to them or not. Do not give up and believe in yourself. Avoid people who will only serve to discourage you. Keep company with those who continue to support and cheer you on.

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Take every rejection and turn-down as a learning experience. Typically, airlines will not tell you why you were rejected. As a result, it is entirely up to you to decide what and how you will improve. Was it a lack of self-assurance? Do you need to work on your makeup? How will you make yourself stand out more? These are things you can think about and use as improvement points later on.

Always respect the airline that gave you your first wings

Please remember that your first airline will be the most important one for you as a cabin crew member. Even if you had no prior experience, the airline hired you because they believe in your potential and believe you will be an asset. Please do not dismiss them and instead learn to respect them. If you decide to change airlines later, please do so properly and do not simply abandon your first airline. Don’t sever all ties with them because you never know when you’ll need them again.

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As the local aviation industry recovers, more and more aspirants will earn their wings. I am overjoyed to finally hear you say, “I am now a flight attendant.”

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