Okay, let’s factor out this pandemic and what it has done to the aviation industry. Generally speaking, yes, becoming an airline cabin crew is life-changing. We may talk about the glitz and glamour of becoming a flight attendant. In reality, though, there is so much about how becoming a flight attendant that can change your life. No, not just the lifestyle, your mindset, and even your character. We now talk about why becoming a flight attendant can make your life more amazing.

Here’s how being a flight attendant can make your life more amazing
- Experiencing real emergencies will make you realize that life is short.
- A cabin crew’s job is to ensure the safety and security of passengers, even at the risk of their own lives. This makes you realize that there is no greater feeling in this world than helping or saving someone without expecting anything in return.
- Seeing historical places in different parts of the world opens your eyes to change and how one important event can affect the other. It helps you foresee where we are also headed.
- You will hear different stories from passengers. Not all of them inside an aircraft are going on vacation. Some have their happy stories, and some are not. As a flight attendant dealing with a hundred passengers, you will learn a few lessons, and two of them are “I am blessed where I am now” and “I have learned something new today.”
- The importance of teamwork during meal service and emergencies will make you realize that every one of us in this world plays a huge contribution and that one’s failure can lead to the failure of everyone.
- The title of “flight attendant” and “flight steward” is a title desired by a multitude of people, but you were one of the very chosen few to get the title. You will learn to appreciate every blessing granted to you.7. A simple smile can turn someone’s sorrow into happiness. A simple smile can change one’s negativity to positivity. You will learn how to smile more often, spreading happiness to everyone, including yourself.
- Most airlines teach each cabin crew to greet everyone they see with a “good morning,” “goo, “afternoon,” “good evening,” and “thank you.” Even after your flights, you will get so used to this that it becomes already a habit for you to greet everyone. To others, it may look weird, but to you, you know you are just doing the right thing. Greeting people you do not know will not make you less of a person.
- Just like any traveler, you will learn to appreciate experience over material things. You will learn to savor every moment, and to appreciate that experience becomes a memory that is irreplaceable and will stick in your heart forever.
- You will get to appreciate life more. The world is beautiful. Being a flight attendant, you open your minds and hearts to a bigger appreciation of life through experiences.
- Being a cabin crew will build your confidence. You face different passengers every day. You gain confidence more and more by dealing with different personalities and behaviors.
- Last but not least, you will indeed know and see with your very eyes that there is a God who makes all things beautiful!

First love never dies. I fell in love with airplanes and aviation when I was a kid. My dream was to become a pilot, but destiny led me to another path: to be an aviation digital media content creator and a small business owner. My passion for aviation inspires me to bring you quality content through my website and social accounts. Aviation is indeed in my blood and blog!