Why You Should Become a PAL Cabin Crew

Why You Should Become a PAL Cabin Crew

Philippine Airlines has consistently been the top choice for Filipino flight attendant aspirants. There’s undeniable prestige associated with being a PAL cabin crew member, a reputation that dates back to the 1980s when the allure of the Philippines was synonymous with the airline and its cabin crew. Beyond serving as the face of the airline, PAL cabin crew have also earned a reputation as the airline’s “saving grace” during tough times. Undoubtedly, becoming a member of the PAL cabin crew isn’t an achievement that can be attained easily.

As PAL continues to expand its operations, it keeps on recruiting more cabin crew members. Nothing appears to be hindering their ambition to once again be recognized as one of Asia’s top airlines. They’ve achieved this status in the past, and there’s no reason they can’t do so again, possibly surpassing previous successes. As a result, the bar is set high for prospective cabin crew members.

PAL puts so much premium on their flight attendants

The attrition rate for cabin crew members in PAL is notably low. This signifies that flight attendants often have lengthy tenures with PAL because the company regards them as valuable assets. Not only does PAL provide generous compensation, but the airline also ensures it offers excellent benefits, particularly for those who envision a long-term career with them. The airline also prioritizes the personal wellbeing of its crew, catering to their physical, mental, and emotional health.

PAL commits significant resources towards the training, personal development, and welfare of its cabin crew. The company recognizes the crucial roles these individuals play once they wear the uniform and wings. Above all, PAL flight attendants are trained to be professional custodians of safety onboard their aircraft.

However, aspiring to be a successful PAL flight attendant comes with high expectations. Each individual is required to bring their best to the role.

Photo: Gary Sato

What attributes does Philippine Airlines seek in their prospective cabin crew?

Having personally observed several PAL training classes ranging from safety to service, and having attended multiple cabin crew graduation ceremonies, in addition to conversing with PAL flight attendants of varying seniority, crew trainers, and managers, I am privileged to share these insights drawn from my direct experiences.

Professionalism is imperative

At Philippine Airlines, cabin crew members are expected to project a professional appearance and demeanor. PAL cabin crew are instilled with a sense of humility and compassion, balanced with the authority necessary to command respect within the cabin. If you aspire to become a PAL flight attendant, it’s essential that you exhibit professionalism across all aspects of your life, from work to everyday interactions.

Commanding respect is essential

It’s vital for PAL cabin crew to possess the ability to command respect. As a PAL flight attendant, passengers must respect both your person and your role onboard the aircraft. This respect is crucial for enforcing safety procedures and protocols. Therefore, aspiring PAL flight attendants should embody strong values and demonstrate high integrity.

A heart for service is needed

The reason behind your desire to become a flight attendant is of particular interest to PAL. They prefer candidates who align with their culture of service. In essence, PAL seeks cabin crew who genuinely want to serve others. While salary considerations are a reality, it would be more beneficial if your primary motivation for joining is to serve PAL passengers.

Photo: Gary Sato

Teamwork is a prerequisite

PAL’s onboard service is methodical, well-coordinated, timely, and delivered with the utmost consideration for passengers. To deliver such service, all cabin crew members on a flight must operate as a team. It’s never a case of “every person for themselves”. This is why the cabin crew screening process includes group dynamic evaluations, to assess your ability to function within a team.

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Being a people person is advantageous

Beyond having effective communication skills, you should be proficient at interacting with a diverse range of personalities. PAL cabin crew are tasked with making passengers feel welcome. Each passenger has a unique narrative, and a PAL cabin crew member should make each of them feel comfortable, with the end goal of providing every passenger a memorable flight. A key aspect of PAL’s training program is encouraging trainees to greet “anything that moves”, irrespective of whether you’re familiar with the person, or even if it’s a pet. And always remember to greet with a smile!

Other important qualities include a genuine concern for others, attention to personal grooming, and many more which you can find more about here.

pal cabin crew
Photo: Gary Sato

A warm personality is essential

Philippine Airlines seeks to extend Filipino warmth and hospitality to all its passengers, and the cabin crew plays a crucial role in realizing this vision. Therefore, anyone aspiring to become a PAL flight attendant should inherently possess a warm and inviting personality.

PAL is a long-term career

From my observations, PAL doesn’t favor individuals who regard the airline as a mere “stepping stone” for their career. They are more interested in those who envisage a long-term future with PAL, appreciating crew members who have aspirations to commit to the company for an extended period. This is why the airline invests significantly in its crew, offering not only impressive remuneration and benefits, but also providing personal growth opportunities.

pal cabin crew
Photo: Gary Sato

It certainly resonates well with recruiters when you express that your ultimate career objective is to be a part of Philippine Airlines. They also value when you outline personal growth targets within PAL, such as progression from cabin crew to flight deck crew, or advancing from junior cabin crew to purser.

In essence, they favor candidates who aspire to evolve and build a lasting career with PAL.

Serving the nation

Remember that being a PAL cabin crew member is akin to serving the nation, as you’re representing an airline that carries the name “Philippines”. This comes with a high degree of commitment. For instance, in 2020 when Covid-19 emerged and international borders started closing, many overseas Filipinos found themselves unable to return home. PAL had to undertake numerous repatriation flights. Despite the associated health risks and hazards, many PAL crew members volunteered willingly to staff these flights. No one was compelled to participate in these missions, but these valiant PAL crew members stepped forward despite the potential dangers, even those that could be life-threatening.

pal cabin crew
Photo: Gary Sato

This act demonstrated their service to their fellow Filipinos during a crucial time. Therefore, as a PAL cabin crew, you serve not only the airline but also the country.

Some tips to help you become a PAL flight attendant

Securing a position with Philippine Airlines isn’t a straightforward task. The company upholds high standards and expects a lot from its employees. Candidates go through numerous stages of interviews, ensuring the airline recruits the right individuals to join their cabin crew. Here are some suggestions to navigate this process:

  • Adopt the qualities of a PAL flight attendant. Make it a point to embody the service-oriented culture.
  • Ensure your motivations are clear and strong. When asked “why do you want to become a PAL flight attendant”, your response should convincingly demonstrate your passion for the role’s responsibilities.
  • Hone your communication skills. Make sure you can effectively convey your thoughts to the interviewers. You can improve this by engaging in meaningful conversations with various people. If you’re not confident with your English, start improving it today.
  • If you’re a cabin crew member from another airline looking to transfer to PAL, ensure your record with your previous employer is impeccable. No unauthorised absences, major infractions, etc. PAL conducts background checks, so it’s beneficial if your previous manager can vouch for your good character.
  • Cultivate professionalism in your behavior. Practice this in your daily interactions and the way you handle challenges.
  • In certain instances, recruiters may ask, “what if we don’t accept you, what will you do?” Prepare a response that expresses your primary ambition is to be with PAL.
  • Pay attention to your physical appearance and fitness. PAL is particular about these aspects. If you need to shed some pounds, start your fitness journey now. If skin, dental, or any other grooming issues need attention, take care of them immediately.

Join the PAL cabin crew hiring

The teams from both PAL and PALexpress persistently conduct numerous cabin crew recruitment events nationwide. So, don’t let this opportunity slip if your aim is to become a cabin crew member for PAL. I persistently update hiring information on my page.

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Why does Philippine Airlines have such high expectations for their cabin crew? It’s because they understand your value. Ultimately, PAL ensures that their cabin crew members feel their significance and worth.

Believe me when I say this. There are certain airlines that will lure you with attractive compensation and numerous travel destinations but might compromise your dignity and treat you like a mere tool. Conversely, there are airlines that may not offer high salaries but will genuinely respect you, safeguarding your welfare and dignity. There are also airlines that provide more than decent wages, but more importantly, they nurture you, take care of you consistently, and contribute to your personal development. Certainly, there’s no such thing as a perfect airline, each has its own pros and cons. Ultimately, the decision rests in your hands.

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