Every flight attendant started out as a dreamer and an aspirant

Every flight attendant started out as a dreamer and an aspirant

No flight attendant was born immediately as one. They all started from the bottom and worked their way up. They were all like every aspirant; they had those “munting pangarap” until they worked hard and achieved it. Becoming a cabin crew is no Cinderella story; you are transformed into one in an instant. You have to earn it; the real magic happens when you work your way forward. The term is “work” and not just “wish”.

I started out with a goal in mind

At one point in my life, I wanted to have my own website and social media account. I was thinking, “can I do this?” Sam Chui is one of my idols, and I told myself, “one day, I will be like him.” I am not a cabin crew nor a pilot. I am just a huge fan of aviation. However, I knew I had one weapon with me and that experience!

Everything started as a dream, but I made plans. I thought of ways, and created strategies, including a plan A and B. Giving up was never an option. I followed my heart, but I had to think of everything well and how to execute things. The most important thing I did was to take action. You will never be able to hit the target if you don’t squeeze the trigger that will fire the bullet.

to be flight attendant
Photo: Gary Sato

I made my own mistakes, I struggled too in gaining followers. I had to start all over again. I just had a goal in mind, and that is to be the number one aviation influencer in the country.

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I know I am not yet there, but I am making progress. I now have my website, and my Facebook page has 17,000 followers. I stuck to my game plan no matter what.

Looking back, everything started with a dream and me being a “nobody” in the industry.

Every flight attendant story began as an aspirant

Just like my story, every flight attendant began from an aspirant, just the way how butterflies all came from caterpillars. Along the way, you will all be transformed, but how you will be changed towards your dream will depend on your attitude, as I shared yesterday. Just like us going through many heartbreaks to be where we are now, you too may go through many heartbreaking moments, those times when you feel you’ve reached a wall, a dead end. The question is, what will you do? Will you turn back? Or will you find a way to scale that wall to continue your journey?

So if you are a cabin crew aspirant now, be proud because every flight attendant was once like you. None of them became FAs without becoming an aspirant FA.

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So work hard and look up all the time. Successful people all started from the bottom. 

For more content on aviation, aircraft, and flight attendants, you may check my Facebook page and Instagram. You may also see more videos on my YouTube and Tiktok channels.

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