They were among the most unrecognized people who made a difference during the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic. These are the people from the aviation industry. Our pilots, cabin crew, maintenance crew, ground staff, and all who worked round the clock ensure connectivity amidst the dangers of the pandemic. Vaccines were flown faster, Filipinos were repatriated, and medical workers were from different parts of the country. This National Heroes Day, I salute our unsung heroes of the sky!
During National Heroes Day, we remember those who fought for our freedom, such as Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Gregorio Del Pilar, and the many soldiers who lost their lives in the line of duty. We also remember our living heroes, especially after we went through the worst crisis of all time, the Covid-19 pandemic. We remember our doctors, nurses, police officers, grocery workers, hospital staff, and those who risked their lives fighting an invisible enemy to protect us from the virus. However, let’s not forget that we have heroes in the sky, the people from the aviation industry. Many vaccines were distributed quickly to many parts of the country. Filipinos were flown home to be reunited with their families, and essential cargo was effectively moved in the middle of the lockdown.

The flight deck crew – our pilots and the cabin crew
During the middle of the pandemic, many pilots and cabin crew volunteered themselves to take man essential flights such as repatriation flights. These happened during a time when vaccines were unheard of. The danger was real, yet these flight crew braved the risk of serving the country by flying home stranded Filipinos abroad.
It was not an easy task, especially for the cabin crew. They faced hundreds of different passengers during these flights. While their respective airlines provided the team with PPEs and the aircraft’s airflow system did help stop the fast transmission of the virus, the danger was real. These crew members would be returning to their families.
During the middle of the pandemic, these flights were voluntary based, yet much brave flight deck and cabin crew crewed these flights amidst the danger they could face. They are indeed our modern-day heroes.

Their heroism does not end with the pandemic
Flying is one of the safest ways to travel, yet it is still one of the most dangerous. It was made safe due to the heroism of our flight crew. The primary duty of the cabin crew is to ensure the safety and security of all passengers on board. During an emergency, they are the last to leave the aircraft. They put their own dear lives on the line to save the lives of other passengers. They are also highly trained to attend to any medical emergencies on board. Flight attendants are also tasked with protecting the flight deck from unauthorized intrusions. Some flight attendants even lost their lives to save passengers. One of them was Neerja Bhanot, a Pan Am flight attendant killed by hijackers while trying to save her passengers’ lives.
I have also watched a lot of air crash documentaries wherein pilots saved the lives of a hundred of passengers and crew members. A notable story is that of Capt. Sully or Sully Sullenberger. He is known for his heroism when he successfully water-landed his US Airways Airbus A320 in the Hudson River after encountering a bird strike. The bird strike caused both engines to flame out, eventually forcing the pilot to ditch the aircraft to the Hudson. It was done so well that no single life was lost in the incident.

Aircraft mechanics, air traffic controllers, the ground crew, and other aviation workers
We may also not be aware of it, but these people play a vital role in why air travel is very safe. Aircraft mechanics work round the clock to ensure that all aircraft are airworthy and free of danger. They work hard to check every detail, ensuring the aircraft’s safety and reliability. The air traffic controllers are our “ground pilots.” Take-off and landing are the most dangerous parts of every flight. Our air traffic controllers make sure that all aircraft depart and land safely. Our ground crew takes care of all passengers while in the terminal. During the pandemic, these ground crew members were tasked to face many arriving passengers, not knowing if they were infected or not. Amidst the dangers, they continued to serve all arriving and departing passengers at the terminals.
Indeed, heroes are everywhere, whether in the sky, ground, or sea. To be a hero is not about losing your life to protect others, but it is also about going beyond the line of duty to serve others.
Indeed, our people in aviation are our modern-day heroes of the sky, and I salute you for all your effort in ensuring that air travel is indeed the safest form of travel nowadays.

First love never dies. I fell in love with airplanes and aviation when I was a kid. My dream was to become a pilot, but destiny led me to another path: to be an aviation digital media content creator and a small business owner. My passion for aviation inspires me to bring you quality content through my website and social accounts. Aviation is indeed in my blood and blog!