Did you know that when you realize that your flight attendant journey is a blessing towards your goal, you further strengthen your resolve to make it in? Not everyone is lucky to be allowed to pursue their cabin crew goal. Once we are blessed with that opportunity, we may encounter pitfalls along the way. That is part of your journey. If you get beaten, stand-up again and finish the race.
Your first attempt to become a cabin crew, whether a success or failure, is already a blessing. Why? Because God opened you a pathway to turn your cabin crew dream into a reality. Is rejection a blessing? Yes! From rejection, you learn to be better and to improve yourself.
Strengthen your resolve to be a flight attendant
Your resolve to be a cabin crew has to be strong, as in very strong. Having a weak one will discourage you in times of rejection. In other words, look at every part of your journey to be a cabin crew not as roadblocks but as “instructions” on how to be a better version of yourself.

At the same time, your journey to be a cabin crew is not just about becoming a flight attendant, perhaps your childhood dream. It is also about you, about becoming a better version of yourself as a whole person. From the time you take your first interview to face your first rejection to going for another chance to train and to finally earning your wings, you will be learning a lot throughout the process, and this is where your journey becomes a blessing, an answered prayer.
So always remember that your journey to be a flight attendant by itself is already a blessing. Take care of it. Cherish it. Learn from it. Not all will be given this opportunity, so make the most of such a blessing.

First love never dies. I fell in love with airplanes and aviation when I was a kid. My dream was to become a pilot, but destiny led me to another path: to be an aviation digital media content creator and a small business owner. My passion for aviation inspires me to bring you quality content through my website and social accounts. Aviation is indeed in my blood and blog!