flight attendant

Claim that you will soon become a flight attendant

I want you to claim that you’re going to be a flight attendant soon. Every aspirant once claimed that they would one day work as cabin crew. They always claimed that they would succeed no matter how many times they tried. Take ownership of your vision. Everything will eventually fall into place.

All things must, however, be accompanied by action. That is the most important consideration. And it all starts with making small changes to yourself every day. Progress, no matter how small or large, is progress.

It all begins by believing in yourself

Make sure you believe in yourself and your abilities before declaring that you will soon become a flight attendant. You must have the confidence and drive to be able to do everything and face challenges in order to make your dreams a reality.

Believing in yourself will give you the courage to face challenges, make changes, and never give up. It gives you confidence that you will be able to earn those wings.

flight attendant
Photo: Gary Sato

Simultaneously, believing in yourself helps you combat negativity from others, particularly discouragement. Let’s be honest. There will be people around us who will go to any length to seize control of our lives. They will discourage you if you do not follow their wishes. When others tell you that you can’t become a flight attendant, your faith in yourself will keep you on track. You will eventually avoid those people and thoughts.

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Every flight attendant was once an aspirant who claimed their cabin crew goals

Take control of your flight attendant goals. Consider it to be for you. If you are rejected, make the necessary changes. Rejection does not mean the end of the road. It simply means you can do better the next time. All you have to do is learn and make the necessary changes to be better the next time around.

I’ve told many stories about flight attendants who had to overcome numerous obstacles and attempts before earning their wings. Every attempt was an opportunity to declare that they would become a flight attendant. Despite the rejections and obstacles, they maintained that they would soon become cabin crew. They also never stopped acting and improving themselves.

Regardless of the obstacles and rejection they encountered, these aspirants eventually earned their wings.

It is time that you claim you will earn your wings soon!

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