become flight attendant

You have to believe that you can become a flight attendant

Yeah right, easier said than done. Well, I must agree but my question is, will you allow negativity and self-doubt drown your belief that you are capable of becoming a cabin crew? Will you allow others to dictate your choices? You know what, if you really want this, you have to believe in your heart that you can be a flight attendant, regardless what others may say. It’s just like a cub looking at itself in a mirror but sees a lion instead of a cub.

You have to believe that you are part of the selected few to become a flight attendant

As aspirants, you all share in that one dream to be a cabin crew. Let me tell you that the journey to get there is not easy, but very achievable. Yes it is up only for a selected few but no one ever said you are not part of that selected few. In you lies the capability to be part of that selected few of who will become a cabin crew, so never doubt your capabilities, especially if you know deep down inside that becoming a flight attendant is for you. Yes rejections come your way. There are also those people who will tell you “hindi ka bagay dyan, pang mayaman lang yan” and all. Guess what, you know yourself more than others do.

become flight attendant

Everything starts from believing in your heart that you can do it. Rejections? They teach you lessons. However, the moment you start believing that you can do the impossible will be the start of strength and courage to pursue your cabin crew dream no matter what. God gave you all the capabilities and blessings to make your dream come true.

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You may end up giving-up if you continue to doubt yourself

The start of thinking to give-up your cabin crew dream is self doubt. It all starts from there, and this is why right now, I am telling you not to doubt yourself and your capabilities. All you have to do is to pop out your comfort zone and learn something new. It is hard, but it’s either you pop out of it or stay contained in your tank forever. A shark in a fish tank will only grow as big as the tank. Put it out in the open ocean and it will grow its full size.

Giving-up will never solve your cabin crew dream, and this will all start from doubting your capabilities. Believe in yourself. God gave you a powerful brain, two hands, two legs, and a heart, so make use of your God-given capabilities.

Every flight attendant out there were once in your shoes. They were dreamers and aspirants. Many went through struggles to get to where they are, but they never doubted themselves. 

See also  Your relentless pursuit to be a flight attendant may soon pay-off

If they can do it, so can you! Trust yourself! Trust your capabilities! Believe in your heart that you can be a flight attendant.

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