Embrace the High Standards of Becoming a Cabin Crew

Embrace the High Standards of Becoming a Cabin Crew

As an aspiring cabin crew, you may sometimes find yourself disheartened by the seemingly towering standards set by airlines. However, let me tell you that these ‘high standards‘ are not walls to block your way, but hurdles you are fully capable of leaping over. Why should we let these standards hinder the pursuit of our childhood dreams?

Overcoming Self-Doubt

A comment I recently encountered on one of my articles read, “I want to be a cabin crew but the airline’s standards are so high“. This immediately sparked a thought: unless this person transforms her mindset, becoming a cabin crew member will remain a distant dream. What she essentially said was, “I cannot be a flight attendant because I cannot match their standards“. While airline standards are high, they are not insurmountable.

Observe the flight attendant pictures on my Facebook and Instagram accounts. These smiling faces once stood where you stand now, pondering if they could make the cut. Believe me, some of them weathered multiple rejections before finally donning their cabin crew uniforms. The common thread? They focused on why they could, and should, become cabin crew members, rather than why they couldn’t.

Finding Your ‘Why’

Instead of dwelling on the obstacles that might stop you from becoming a cabin crew member, concentrate on the reasons why you should become one. Affirmations can be a powerful tool in this journey. Remind yourself: “I am beautiful“, “I love helping people“, “I take care of myself“, “I give myself in the name of service“, “I am disciplined“.

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cabin crew standards
Gary Sato

Feeling lost or disheartened by rejections and negativity is natural, but don’t let these deter you. List down all the reasons why you should, and will, become a flight attendant. Recite them aloud to yourself every day and make them a part of your daily routine. These affirmations will guide you like a beacon, keeping your path towards becoming a flight attendant illuminated.

Persistence – Your Unseen Companion

Remember, nothing is impossible if you set your heart on it. Worried about your height? Several airlines prioritize arm reach over height. There are even private airlines that accept individuals as short as 5’0″. The essence lies in your determination – if there’s a will, there’s a way.

Instead of contemplating why you can’t be a flight attendant, reflect on why this role is perfect for you. Identify the areas you need to work on – be it habits, patience, or other skills – and start honing them until they become second nature.

Stop looking for problems and start searching for solutions. You are designed to win, and these high standards are just stepping stones to your victory. With determination and persistence, the cabin crew badge will be yours to wear. Remember, you’re preparing for a lifestyle that few can handle, so give it your all.

How does this make you feel?


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