Harness all your blessings to become a flight attendant

Harness all your blessings to become a flight attendant

We pray that God helps us to become flight attendants one day. However, we sometimes fail to see that there are blessings right in front of us that leads to that flight attendant’s goal. Little did we know that sometimes, God has answered our prayers through other means by giving us all the ‘materials to make ourselves a cabin crew. All you have to do is to harness all your blessings to become a flight attendant.

It’s just like a house. We pray that God gives us a home. However, He did not give you a place. Instead, He gave you a job! Guess what again? That job will help you earn money to buy materials, buy a lot, and build a house. Then you have your home. The blessing was your job; you just had to harness it to make a house.

We pray for the blessing of being a flight attendant but sometimes, we fail to realize that these blessings will not come in the form of magic; the following day, you are already in your uniforms.

The blessings to become a flight attendant can be in the form of

  • Present flight attendants willing to help you
  • Rejections that will shape us further
  • Tips and advice like those we provide you through numerous platforms
  • Sunlight, good food, and parks to exercise so you can lose weight
  • A powerful brain
  • The ability to change for the better and to improve ourselves
  • The heart to never give up in pursuing our cabin crew dream
flight attendant cebu pacific

Harness these blessings for you to become a flight attendant

Yes, all these are blessings which are right in front of you. All you need to do is to harness their powers to help you become a cabin crew. When we pray to God, asking Him to make us a cabin crew, He will not use a magic wand and then say “abracadabra”! Instead, he will bless you with different abilities and resources that will not only contribute to making you a flight attendant but will all shape you to become more effective. We must see through them; we must fully utilize their power to turn our cabin crew’s dream into a reality.

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If you look at it, you don’t need to pray for blessings because you are already blessed! Instead, pray for strength and the ability to see through these blessings to harness their power.

Last but not least, there is one big blessing you already have, but you need to see through it, and that is nothing else but YOU! Yes, you have to believe in yourself, that your life is already a blessing, and the power given by God to face trials and equip yourself to be a flight attendant is fitting in you.

How does this make you feel?


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