If you think that flight attendants are flying servants, guess what…

If you think that flight attendants are flying servants, guess what…

Some may ask, “Aren’t flight attendants just flying servants?” I realize that these individuals may have two motives. First, they just do not understand what flight attendants perform (thus the usage of the word “merely”). Second, they look down on you or wish to belittle you. Guess what, if you consider flight attendants are flying servants, then you have to realize that those government officials, including the President of the country, are alternatively known as public servants.

Just as flight attendants are dubbed “flying servants,” our elected officials, those we like and support, are public servants! Another, our Priests and our Pastors  are our Spiritual Servants. They provide us our daily dosage of faith and they ensure that our trust and love in God are constantly maintained strong.

Service is the highest form of distinction

The word SERVANTS. They are there to serve others! And I believe that alone is a tremendous honor. The same way as how I strive to serve via digital media our cabin crew aspirants and those who fly by air.

When people remark that flight attendants are “flying servants,” embrace it and be proud of it because there is no better gift in the world than to be of service to others, in this case, your passengers. Your primary service to passengers as flight attendants is to guarantee their safety and security on board. Yes, that is a service in and of itself. You also make certain that they are comfortable. You attend to your passengers’ requirements on board as part of your service to them.

flight attendants
Photo: Gary Sato

Flight attendants and the pilots bring families together by transporting them from point A to point B securely and in one piece. In the instance of our OFWs leaving our country to work, you aid by flying them to their employment securely for them to support for their family back home. Your normal duty of providing service to our passengers may be commonplace to you, but it may be spectacular to them, especially when you go out of your way to guarantee everything is well.

See also  The journey to be a flight attendant is challenging but worth it

As what King George VI said, “The highest form of distinctions is service to others.”

To be honest, individuals who insult others because of their chosen profession should be shunned. No one has the right to look down on others, especially those who work hard to make our lives better.

“When your dreams include service to others – accomplishing something that contributes to others – it also accelerates the accomplishment of that goal. People want to be part of something that contributes and makes a difference.”  -Jack Canfield

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