Tips for aspirants on how to act like a real Flight Attendant

Tips for aspirants on how to act like a real Flight Attendant

Airlines are gradually increasing their hiring of flight attendants. I predict that there will be even more in 2023. Many aspirants are preparing for this in various ways, one of which is to begin working as a flight attendant as soon as possible. As a result, here are ten quick and easy tips to immediately start acting like a real flight attendant.

If you want to be a member of the cabin crew, don’t just wish for it; act as if you are, even if you aren’t. Using the Law of Attraction can be beneficial at times. “The law of attraction states that whatever you intensely focus on, think about, read about, and talk about, you will attract more of into your life,” Jack Canfield once said.

As a result, if you’ve always wanted to be a flight attendant, now is the time to begin acting the part. As of today, I am providing you with ways to act like a legitimate flight attendant. Use the time to train to become the flight attendant of your dreams.

Tips on how aspirants can act like a flight attendant as early as now

  1. The uniform of a flight attendant includes a smile; no matter what, always maintain a positive outlook. A smile even makes you happy.
  2. Maintain your poise even when under duress. A flight attendant maintains her poise at all times, regardless of how tired she is, even when dealing with rowdy passengers.
  3. Begin by greeting everyone and everything that moves: the mall guard, the office janitor, your Grab/Uber driver, a stranger, and everyone else. Greet them even if they do not greet you first.
  4. Learn how to apply makeup like a flight attendant; it should highlight your natural beauty. Here are some pointers on how to apply makeup like a flight attendant.
  5. Commit to a beauty regimen similar to that of a flight attendant. Have you ever wondered how they keep their skin looking so beautiful and natural all of the time?
  6. Commit to good health. As safety professionals, flight attendants must maintain constant physical fitness, and they make it a point to exercise and eat healthily wherever they go. Yes, they are adventurous with food, but they also exercise to maintain a great figure.
  7. Have genuine empathy for others: Because of their training and line of work, flight attendants have a tendency to prioritize others over themselves, even when they are not on the plane or off duty.
  8. Yes, strict discipline is required of flight attendants. If you have to get up at 4 a.m. for an early morning flight, go to bed early, even if your friends try to convince you otherwise. After all, life is never a big party.
  9. Develop your interpersonal skills. Because they interact with a diverse range of passenger personalities on a daily basis, flight attendants have excellent interpersonal skills.
  10. Begin reading extensively about the commercial aviation industry and fall in love with it. Learn the terms used by flight attendants and what it takes to work as a flight attendant. I have a lot of articles about these topics that you could read every day.
flight attendant
Photo: Gary Sato

Other methods to assist you in acting and eventually becoming a flight attendant

Accept rejection as a learning opportunity, but never let it discourage you. Try on a flight attendant uniform, take a picture of yourself, and use it as your phone wallpaper if possible. At all times, imagine yourself as a flight attendant.

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Positive and negative thoughts have no effect on the law of attraction. It only understands how to react to your thoughts.

Finally, instead of saying “I will be a flight attendant,” simply say “I am a flight attendant.” Always think positively, and remember to smile.

For more content on aviation, aircraft, and flight attendants, you may check my Facebook page and Instagram. You may also see more videos on my YouTube and Tiktok channels.

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