You hold the power to become a flight attendant

You hold the power to become a flight attendant

It will happen if you are meant to be a cabin crew, and you will be armed with everything to turn your cabin crew dream into a reality. You have the height, you were able to make the weight requirement, you have the personality, and you know deep in you that becoming a cabin crew is for you. Guess what? You hold power to become a flight attendant when the opportunity comes. It may not come in the next few days, months, or years. However there will, there will be a window of opportunity. Once it does, then it’s up to you to make things happen.

The power to become a flight attendant

So what kind of power are we talking about? We are talking about the ability to earn your wings, which includes the strength to endure any challenge—the determination to stay focused and the heart to correct all your mistakes. The willpower to shun all negativity and the faith in yourself and God that you will become a cabin crew.

  • Strength
  • Determination
  • Heart
  • Will Power
  • Faith
flight attendant
Photo: Gary Sato

We have shared plenty of inspirational stories on cabin crew members who endured numerous challenges, many of whom had taken 15 or more turn-downs. Some even waited five or more years, going from different airlines and working hard to make their cabin crew dream a reality. You might be wondering how they endured so many rejections and ride-downs, yet, they made it. The simplest answer is they had those 5 ‘super powers’ in them. They used strength, determination, heart, willpower, and Faith because they knew from the beginning that they were meant to be flight attendants. They are meant to fly.

See also  How to make your flight attendants like you

Harness your power by working hard and using your full potential to turn your dream into a reality

Just believing that you are meant to be a cabin crew is not enough. You have to work hard for it. You must prove that you are meant to be a cabin crew. This is why you are armed with those five powers. These are your tools to make your flight attendant dream come true. Not using them may turn your dream to be a flight attendant into merely a pipe dream.

If you know deep in your hearts that you are meant to be a flight attendant, unleash the power in you to make it come true. If you use the full potential of those powers given to you, you will soon see yourself in your uniform receiving your wings and being of service to our flying passengers.

How does this make you feel?


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