You own your flight attendant dreams, don’t allow others to ruin it

You own your flight attendant dreams, don’t allow others to ruin it

In today’s world, you will encounter people who will shatter your dreams of becoming a cabin crew. They will discourage you from pursuing your flight attendant goal. These people will highlight all the negativity they see in the job and the people. The bad news is that you will encounter at least one. The good news is, you don’t have to listen to them. Listen to your heart, your calling, and those who will support you in this journey. You own your flight attendant dreams, don’t allow others to ruin them.

Many of those who may discourage you never experienced becoming a cabin crew

More often than not, the majority of the people who will discourage you and shatter your dream to be a flight attendant are those who never experienced becoming one. So if someone prevents you, try asking them if she had once experienced becoming a cabin crew. If she tells you, “no, but I have a friend whose mother is a cousin of my wife’s uncle who is the BFF of the husband of the auntie of a cabin crew,” that won’t count as “credible.”

Do not also allow rejections from the airlines to stop you from fulfilling a once childhood dream. Instead, please take it as a challenge. Take every failure constructively by learning from your mistake and improving yourself. Listen to those who will tell you what your mistakes are for you to improve. These people usually want you to reach your dream of becoming a flight attendant one day.

own flight attendant dreams
Photo: Gary Sato

A huge difference between those who help you learn from mistakes and those who discourages you outright

There is a vast difference between those who will tell you your mistakes and those who will discourage you from pursuing your dreams. The people who will tell you what went wrong usually want you to improve so you can become a cabin crew one day. On the other hand, the latter will not only tell you that you are not fit to be a cabin crew, but they will talk negatively about a cabin crew’s job and career. Listen to the former and avoid the latter. We don’t need too much negativity in our lives.

See also  How to become a flight attendant or cabin crew in the Philippines

Instead of allowing others to dictate which road you should take, follow your path. If you know deep in your heart that you want to become a cabin crew, take that path. Along the way, you will encounter challenges and pitfalls. The journey, we guarantee, will not be easy. You may be rejected by the airline, but just like any athlete, injuries and falls make us stronger. They make us wiser. 

own flight attendant dreams
Photo: Gary Sato

You own your life. You own your flight attendant dreams.

Your path is not the path of others; always remember that. It is your life, not theirs. Do not aim to prove them wrong, but aim to prove yourself right that you are born to be a cabin crew, and no matter what, you will follow that path.

Once you get there, don’t forget to look back at your journey. Keep your feet on the ground and give back by inspiring other cabin crew aspirants to turn their childhood dreams into reality.

See also  Do You Need Backers to Become a Flight Attendant?

If you know deep in your heart that this is what you want to be, focus on it, and follow it. Work for it. Pray for it. Do not allow others to destroy your cabin crew’s dreams. It is your life, not theirs.

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