Group Dynamics as Part of the Cabin Crew Recruitment Process

Group Dynamics as Part of the Cabin Crew Recruitment Process

Group dynamics play a crucial role in cabin crew recruitment, and it’s something you shouldn’t overlook. In the Philippines, some local airlines include group dynamics activities in their hiring process. So, what’s it all about?

Group dynamics activities help airline recruiters assess various skills in applicants, like teamwork, communication, decision-making, and interpersonal abilities. Applicants are grouped together for an activity, which varies depending on the airline’s focus. The main goal is to see how well you work in a team setting.

What Goes On in Group Dynamics

Recruiters lay out the activity instructions and usually set a time limit. As you engage in the activity, they watch you closely. They’re looking at how you interact, your enthusiasm, your communication skills, and even your posture. Every detail, down to how you sit, is noted.

After the activity, recruiters decide who among the group will move on to the next recruitment phase.

group dynamics

High Standards Are Here to Stay

Some might complain about the high standards and even cry “discrimination,” but let’s get real. Airlines invest a lot in their cabin crew, so they’re going to keep those standards high. While some might wish for lower standards, others are working hard to meet them.

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The criteria assessed during group dynamics are vital for selecting an airline’s next cabin crew. The job demands are high, so airlines will naturally pick the best candidates who meet those standards.

So, even though group dynamics can be enjoyable since you get to mingle with other applicants, don’t forget it’s a critical part of the selection process. To make it as a cabin crew member for any airline, you’ve got to take this stage seriously.

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